Teaching Aids for Subject Verb Agreement

A big part of sentence structure and creating complete sentences in English is subject-verb correspondence. So, if you want to focus on the big picture, you should definitely take a look at some of these recommendations for games and activities: Have you noticed that your students in particular struggle with this point of English grammar? Then you`ll seriously want to dedicate an entire lesson or two to it. Here are some ready-made English as a Second Language lesson plans for subject verbs to try: There are many excellent worksheets for English language students for subject-verb matching. Here are some of our favorites: When I teach kids, I never go to class without flashcards! They are such a valuable teaching tool and there are many games and activities you can do with them. Learn more about how you can use them to teach this important concept: each student must then form a sentence with a subject and a verb. Some examples: Of course, it is also possible to plan a lesson for the adjustment of the material. More details can be found here: Use this simple warm-up exercise to check the subject-verb chords at the beginning of the lesson. Or as a quick test at the end. The way it works is that you write a series of sentences on the whiteboard or PowerPoint. Some have flaws, others don`t. In this case, you want to focus on the problems of matching topics and verbs.

You can use the image prompt as a kind of test at the end of your subject/verb chord class. The way it works is that you find an image with a lot of people doing things. Then students have to make a number of sentences in their notebooks based on this. This activity also works very well for auxiliary verbs. An easy way to reinforce or introduce the correspondence between the subject and the verb is to give students a short reading passage with various examples of this. Next, students need to quickly scan the text and highlight topics and verbs. After that, they can compare the examples found with a partner and finally with the whole class. Then say a topic and the student must form a sentence with that topic as well as their verb, and then finish the sentence somehow. Simple but effective! There`s nothing better than a good old yes or no question to see if your students understand the correspondence between the subject and the verb. For example: In this case, dictate to students a few sentences with different themes and verbs. In addition to checking, it also helps students with spelling, punctuation, and listening skills. Then check the sentences together as a class.

I invite you to consult the Shurley English program to learn more about these rules, as errors in subject-verb pairing are quite common in the English language and are sometimes difficult to correct. Knowing the rules and how to apply them will help students in their quest to communicate more effectively! Point out that the subject and verb must match, which means that if the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular, and the same goes for plurals. Make two columns on the board, overwritten by the subject and the verb. Invite students to name several singular topics and verbs and hold them on the board. Choose a random subject and verb, and then write a sentence. For example, say, “The dog barks at the postman. If I want to change the subject to the plural, I have to add an “s”, but if I change the verb to the plural, I remove the “s”: dogs bark at the postman. Continue with a few more examples by selecting words in each column. Ask students to include sample sentences as well.

Students will be able to form sentences in which the subject and verb correspond. Then the teacher says a subject and the basic form of a verb (he eats). The student must write it correctly (He eats). Then the next student must finish the sentence. The first team to get it right gets a point. Continue until everyone has a chance to play. In my real life, I love playing board games. So expect me to ask my students to play them too.

But I adapt the games to the specific grammar point I teach. In this case, I use questions related to the correspondence of subjects and verbs. Students must answer them correctly in order to progress in the game. Distribute old magazines, newspapers, scissors and glue. Have students find and cut out three images of a subject and three images of a verb. They may be singular or plural, but they must agree. Have students create Rebus sentences using images for the subject and verb, and specifying the words for the rest. Show several prepared examples. Maybe you`ll find a photo of a group of girls and a photo of someone surfing. .