Subject Verb Agreement for Collective Noun

What about the noun “goal”? In the present case, that is the subject of a procedure. Now, a process involves a variety of steps, practices, and procedures, and therefore its purpose is multifaceted. When I said “The purpose of the process is to say (a, b, c and d.)”, the editor corrected it to “the goals are”. I`m not sure I agree with this because a-d are all PARTIES of the goal, not elements to choose from. What do you think? A large proportion of subjects with this disease have been reported. Specific standards dealing with collective nouns, or standards for subject-verb and subject-pronoun agreement, can be found on the common core State Standards website! The Associated Press Stylebook classifies data as plural nouns, usually with verbs and plural pronouns. An additional note indicates that some words, such as .B. Plural data become collective nouns and adopt singular verbs when the group or set is considered a unit. Examples: The data is strong. (One unit.) The data was carefully collected. (Individual items.) Yes, you are confused.

The topic is students in the phrase “Are students the goal?” The answer would be, “Yes, students are the target.” In your initial sentence of September 10, 2015, the subject was the goal. “The goal is the students.” The key word in your penultimate sentence is “prefer.” You may want to read our latest blog on the subject: Rules and Preferences. When a singular collective noun is used in a sentence, it should be treated as a singular noun. To learn more about matching topics and verbs, click here. Our rule 7 of the subject-verb agreement states: “Use a singular verb with distances, periods, sums of money, etc. if it is considered a unit.” In addition, our number writing rule 1 states, “Spell out all numbers that begin with a sentence.” Therefore, writing twenty-five years of teaching taught me. In a tango dance contest, there can only be one winner – the couple who dances best. There are two dancers on the floor, there is a couple, if there are four dancers on the floor, there are two couples. Ergo, the winning pair is one; maybe two dancers, but only a couple. The same goes for the team and the group – at least in America. Only one team won the Super Bowl and the World Series.

They are the team with the most points at the end of the game. The winning team stands on the field and talks to the press. If you want to have a plural predicate, write or say a plural topic: dance partners, teammates, group members. You will find that the use of the verb for singular nouns is the same. In sentences 1 and 4, the singular verb “is” is used. In fact, I thought it was people who loved you because “people” is plural, you need a singular verb, but someone told me it`s “people love you” because “people” may seem plural, but it`s counted as a singular. “The senior class of 2012 announces its first exercises.” While it is true that collective nouns are a basic grammatical skill, the Common Core English Language Progressive Skills Chart shows that even basic skills “require sustained attention in the upper classes as they are applied to increasingly demanding writing and speaking.” Let`s look again at our sample sentences and add another one using a singular noun for students: the phrase “both” indicates a plural subject. Therefore, use the plural verb to decide. For more information, see our article When to add s to a verb. Fractions and percentages can be singular or plural, depending on the purpose of the next preposition. Since in this particular sentence Workforce is a singular noun with plural connotations, such as jury, company, orchestra, community, etc., the author can use a singular or plural verb.

(In addition, our number writing rule 1 states, “Spell out all numbers that begin with a sentence.”) You are right that the word resources is a singular noun in your sentence. I feel like “five” is the theme of this sentence, but I can`t get much traction here in the office. Collective names can be a bit difficult to identify and use. Are they singular or plural? What type of verb should I use with a collective noun? With a little practice, collective names can be mastered quickly. Percentages are expressed in numbers, unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence. Our blog “Agreement on subject and verb with collective nouns” states: “Breaks and percentages, such as team and employee, can be singular or plural, depending on the purpose of the following preposition.” The subject of the sentence is fifty percent. The object of the preposition of is a sum of money. The Chicago Manual of Style says, “For measurements, money, or other quantities, if the items form a whole that you don`t want to share, use a singular verb.” If we use a mass noun (like “movable,” which usually assumes a singular verb), but we are talking about two or more units, should we use a singular or plural verb? – Two pieces of furniture are available. – Two pieces of furniture are available.

Every zebra in the herd does exactly the same thing. They work together as one unit. Therefore, we will use the singular verb “is”. The word population is a collective noun that can take a singular or plural verb, depending on the intention of the author. In our Pop Quiz 3 question, we wanted to point out that the percentage represents a single group. In your example, the author wants the population to be the plural form because the percentage does not have to specify a single group. In this article, we will explore what collective nouns are, the singular and plural forms of collective nouns, and how to ensure an appropriate subject-verb agreement in the use of collective nouns. What does “groups” mean in this sentence? It means more than one group, making it a plural collective noun.

The correct sentence is this: almost one in four people in the world is Muslim. The subject of the sentence is one, which is singular and assumes a singular verb. The rule you write about only applies to collective names. The word one is not a collective noun, it is a singular noun. In the sentence A family of ducks resting on grass, is the subject of the phrase family, which is a collective name. In this case, the author may decide to use a verb in the singular or plural, depending on whether he considers the “family” as a unit or as an individual who is part of that unity. It is a matter of discretion. Our rule 7 of the subject-verb agreement states: “Use a singular verb with distances, periods, sums of money, etc.

if it is considered a unit.” This rule corresponds to the discussion in the first sentence of this article about “Names . act as a unit. Since team is a singular noun, the sentence as it was written creates an unpleasant problem. Perhaps the best way to avoid this problem is to paraphrase the phrase: the licensed, certified, and multidisciplinary professionals on our team work together. We agree; the verb must be “is”. We did not notice that the English plural is used in an increasing number of cases for all collective nouns. Ap Stylebook`s rules regarding collective names are as follows: I have a question that I`m sure I know the answer to, but I want clarification as I use the term daily in my work. .