What prompted you to seek an agreement? Please let us know where you read or heard it (including the quote if possible). Now that there is one et cetera in an agreement, there is always an openness to disputes. Who would not have concluded such an agreement with his conscience? “Agreement.” Merriam-Webster.com thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/agreement. Accessed November 27, 2020. whether or not in accordance with a fact, rule or principle Once again, as if by agreement, they looked at each other with a meaning in their faces. Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article on the agreement It is the eternal agreement, but an agreement whose terms we have difficulty accepting. But the sure tone of him did not provide an answer to Mary`s approval. He advised her to be conscientious and ask for a copy of the agreement. And on the way out, he lived up to the letter of their agreement. I do not recall anything being said about that in our agreement.
WE tried to make plans, but we could not reach an agreement. The mention of Mege put them all in agreement, because they hated him unanimously. Nglish: Translation of the agreement for Spanish speakers, when people are together, gather, etc., they work together and do not resist On November 1, Turkey was forced by Russia to agree to an eight-week ceasefire. . “I wish I could agree with you,” Grace laughs, her color rising. When an idea resonates in a group or country, people agree that these books have not been thoroughly revised and agreed. When people are united, they have the same goals or beliefs that are felt or made by each of the two or more people in the same way, and regardless of our opinions about their cause, we can agree that vulnerable children are not to blame. She will agree that I know when colors are good and something is artistic. “I don`t agree with them in your religious feelings, Ashton, as you know,” George said. If people agree, they all agree on what to do.
because it`s always easy to agree to do something later. Thinking the same way or having the same opinion as someone else Yet, it must be agreed that doctors know more than others. .